Full Stack Blockchain Developer | Smart Contract Developer |

Project Manager | Sui Move Developer



Email : [email protected] India

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/neeraj-choubisa-a4952b202/

Professional Profile

Highly skilled Blockchain Developer with a strong foundation in smart contract engineering and full-stack development. Demonstrates expertise in Solidity, decentralized applications, and blockchain integrations, with a proven record of delivering innovative solutions and winning multiple hackathons. Adept at collaborating in remote teams and driving projects from conception to production in fast-paced environments.

Category Skills
Languages C, C++, Tact, JavaScript, Python, Solidity
Tools Git/GitHub, Truffle, Hardhat, Ganache, Geth, Remix IDE, IPFS, Pinnata, Foundry, Cast CLI, Anvil Local
Blockchain Libraries/Frameworks MERN, Etherjs, Wagmi, CCIP, Web3js, Nextjs, ChakraUI, TailwindCSS, MaterialUI
Databases MySQL, MongoDB, AWS Amplify, Firebase
Programming Data Structures and Algorithms (Solved 400+ Problems)

Writing Skills: